CamelCase vs snake_case

When working with SQL queries in Telemetry, it's crucial to choose a naming convention that enhances the readability, maintainability, and interoperability of your code. Two common naming conventions are CamelCase (e.g., myFieldName) and snake_case (e.g., my_field_name). This document outlines the differences between these conventions and explains why snake_case is the preferred choice when using Telemetry.

Understanding CamelCase and Snake_case

  • CamelCase: This convention capitalizes the first letter of each word, except the first one. For example, myFieldName, totalCost, and userName.

  • Snake_case: This convention uses underscores to separate words, and all letters are typically lowercase. For example, my_field_name, total_cost, and user_name.

Why Opt for Snake_case in Telemetry?

1. Simplifying SQL Queries

Telemetry, a versatile data analysis tool, enables you to ingest and analyze a wide range of data. When writing SQL queries to interact with this data, snake_case simplifies your workflow. Unlike CamelCase, snake_case does not require you to wrap field names in quotes, which can streamline your queries and reduce potential errors.

For instance, in Telemetry:

  • CamelCase:

    SELECT "myFieldName" FROM my_table;
  • Snake_case:

    SELECT my_field_name FROM my_table;

With snake_case, you can avoid the extra step of quoting, making your queries cleaner and easier to write.

2. Easy Integration with Other Data Systems

Telemetry uses DataFusion under the hood, and when you query data from Telemetry, you often need to pipe this data into other data systems or tools for further analysis or reporting. Using snake_case ensures that your field names are compatible and easily transferable to other systems, which often expect lowercase, underscore-separated identifiers.

By sticking to snake_case, you minimize the risk of encountering compatibility issues when moving data between systems, making it easier to integrate and process your data across different platforms.

3. Enhanced Readability

Telemetry is designed to handle complex data, including nested structures. When writing queries that involve multiple fields or complex joins, snake_case enhances readability. The use of underscores to separate words makes it easier to quickly understand what each field represents, improving both development speed and code maintainability.


In the context of Telemetry, opting for snake_case over CamelCase offers clear advantages. It simplifies your SQL queries, ensures easier integration with other data systems, and enhances the readability of your code. These benefits make snake_case the optimal choice for writing SQL queries in Telemetry, allowing you to fully leverage the platform's powerful data analysis capabilities.

Last updated