Working with Timestamps

Handling time-based data in SQL is essential for analyzing trends, patterns, and other time-related metrics. With Telemetry's flexibility to ingest any arbitrary JSON, you can leverage SQL's powerful time functions to extract meaningful insights from your data. This article provides an overview of how to use time functions in SQL queries, focusing on grouping, truncating, and analyzing events over time, particularly within the constraints of the DataFusion SQL engine.

Time Data Example: Event Logs

Consider the following JSON blob representing an event log that Telemetry can ingest:

  "event_id": "e12345",
  "event_type": "click",
  "user_id": "u67890",
  "timestamp": "2023-08-07T14:22:00.000Z",
  "metadata": {
    "browser": "Chrome",
    "device": "Mobile",
    "location": "New York"

In this example, the JSON includes a timestamp field, which we can use to analyze event data over time.

Working with Time Functions

1. Extracting Date Parts

You may often need to extract specific parts of a timestamp, such as the year, month, day, or even hour. SQL provides functions like EXTRACT() and DATE_TRUNC() to help you do this.

Example: Extracting the Day of the Week

To extract the day of the week from the timestamp, you can use:

    EXTRACT(DOW FROM timestamp) AS day_of_week

This query returns the day of the week (0-6) for each event, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday.

2. Grouping by Time Intervals

One common use case for time functions is to group events by specific time intervals, such as days, weeks, or months, to see how many events occurred during each period.

Example: Grouping Events by Day

To group events by day and count the number of events per day, you can use DATE_TRUNC():

    DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) AS day,
    COUNT(*) AS event_count 
    DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) 

This query truncates the timestamp to the day level and then groups the events by these truncated days. The result is a count of events that occurred on each day.

3. Comparing Time Ranges

You may also want to compare data from different time ranges, such as comparing events from one week to the next.

Example: Week-over-Week Comparison

To compare the number of events between different weeks, you can use:

    DATE_TRUNC('week', timestamp) AS week,
    COUNT(*) AS event_count 
    DATE_TRUNC('week', timestamp) 

This query groups events by the week they occurred, allowing you to analyze weekly trends.

4. Calculating Time Differences

In some SQL engines, such as PostgreSQL, you might use the AGE() function to calculate the difference between two timestamps. However, DataFusion does not support the AGE() function. Instead, you can achieve similar results using other methods.

Example: Calculating Time Differences Between Events

To calculate the time difference between two events in DataFusion, you can use the LAG() function along with direct arithmetic on the timestamps.

For instance, to calculate the difference in seconds between the current event and the previous event:

    LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) AS previous_timestamp,
    EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp)) AS time_difference

In this query, LAG(timestamp) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) retrieves the timestamp of the previous event, and EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp) converts the timestamp into the number of seconds since the Unix epoch. Subtracting these values gives you the time difference in seconds.


Time functions in SQL are indispensable tools for analyzing and managing time-based data. While DataFusion has certain limitations compared to other SQL engines, you can still effectively use its supported functions to group, truncate, and analyze your data over various time intervals. Whether you're tracking daily events, comparing weekly trends, or calculating time differences between events, SQL provides the necessary functions to unlock the full potential of your time-based data.

Leverage these powerful SQL time functions within Telemetry to gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions based on your data.

Last updated